High Security Keys Westminster, CO – Expert Locksmith Services
Some probable sources of security compromise
Why do you need high security keys? You do not know who, when, and how your security gets compromised. It is better to remain prepared for any eventuality in the modern unpredictable times. Consider the following:
- Key holders make the copies, you remain ignorant
- Attendant at the parking lot, contractors, cleaning person making copies
- Duplication of facility keys compromising security
- Former employees duplicating keys to gain entry
- Undetected entry with cylinder tampering to sensitive areas in facilities
What are high security keys?
The key features of high security keys:
- Duplication is hard: We won't say impossible, but it is hard to duplicate these keys. For this, one requires signature, written express consent, and photo ID.
- Resistant to forced entry: They can resist hammering, prying, wrenching, drilling, picking, and all other physical activities.